Professor Hany Helal is conducting research together with TUM Professor Christian Große from the Chair of Non-destructive Testing in the Department of Materials Engineering and a research group consisting of German and Egyptian scientists on nondestructive techniques for preserving archaeological cultural heritage. In the "ScanPyramids" project, they are using a wide variety of measurement methods such as infrared or ultrasound to detect cavities or other artifacts inside the Pyramid of Khufu in Egypt. The resulting digital model allows a sustainable non-destructive and, if necessary, non-contact assessment of the structural composition of cultural heritage.
Professor Hany Helal has been teaching and researching rock mechanics at Cairo University's Faculty of Engineering since 1993. In between, he served as Egyptian Minister of Science and Higher Education and President of Senghor University in Alexandria.
During the summer matinee at the Isarphilharmonie, Professor Kaan Erkorkmaz and Professor Markos Papageorgiou were also honored as TUM Ambassadors. Professor Markos Papageorgiou conducts research together with the Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control of the Department of Mobility Systems Engineering. Professor Kaan Erkorkmaz works closely with the Institute for Machine Tools and Industrial Management of the Department of Mechanical Engineering.