Leonhard Obermeyer Center
The design, creation and maintenance of the built environment are among the great challenges of the 21st century. The use of computer technology offers new possibilities to meet these challenges in an ecological and economically sustainable way.
The Leonhard Obermeyer Center brings together the scientific expertise of over 80 researchers at the Technical University of Munich. In dialogue with our partners from industry and government institutions, we jointly define technological research priorities.
For questions concerning digital methods in architecture, civil engineering, geodesy and geoinformatics, we offer a platform for international cooperation. Close networking with decision-makers makes the Leonhard Obermeyer Center a think tank for strategic developments in this field.
Save the Date LOC Center Day 2024

23. September 2024
The Leonhard Obermeyer Center celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. For this purpose, we invite you to our annual Center Day 2023 on Friday, November 03, 2023 in Presence at the Oskar-von-Miller Forum from 11 am - 5 pm. The program and further information about the event can be found here.
You can register now using the following link: https://lnkd.in/dPTyU5Ag
New LOC Full Member: Bentley Systems

17. September 2024
The Leonhard Obermeyer Center is pleased to welcome Bentley Systems as a new Full Member since October 2024. Bentley Systems is an international software company for infrastructure and digital twins.
The content-related cooperation between Bentley Systems and the Leonhard Obermeyer Center includes topics related to digital twins in teaching, further education and research. Bentley Systems supports the LOC in the master's course “Fusion Lab” as part of the new master's program “Information Technologies for the Built Environment”. The LOC is looking forward to a valuable cooperation with Bentley Systems.
More information about Bentley Systems: https://www.bentley.com/
LOC-Professor and Speaker Prof. Borrmann wins Konrad Zuse Medal

27. July 2024
The Zentralverband Deutsches Baugewerbe (ZDB) has awarded Prof. André Borrmann together with Thomas Liebich the Konrad Zuse Medal, the highest IT award in Germany.
André Borrmann, Professor of Computational Modeling and Simulation at the Technical University of Munich and spokesperson for the Leonhard Obermeyer Center, has been working for many years on BIM implementation in the infrastructure sector and the application of AI in the construction industry. Borrmann has carried out significant research work in both areas.
The award will be presented at the ZDB General Assembly on November 13, 2024 in Berlin.
The Zuse Board of Trustees of the ZDB is awarding the medal to individuals who have made a significant contribution in the field of IT in the construction industry. The aim of the award is to preserve the merits of Konrad Zuse and to promote state-of-the-art information and communication technologies in the construction industry.
LOC researcher win two awards at "Auf IT gebaut" 2024

23. February 2024
On February 21, 2024, the prizes in the competition "Auf IT gebaut - Bauberufe mit Zukunft" were awarded at digitalBAU 2024. The event organized by the RKW Kompetenzzentrum was launched back in 2002. The prize winners presented their award-winning work and themselves in the four competition areas of architecture, construction management, civil engineering, and crafts and technology.
You can find out more about the award winners and contents here.
New LOC Full Member: Hexagon Innovation Hub

15. February 2024
The Leonhard Obermeyer Center is pleased to welcome the Hexagon Innovation Hub as a new Full Member since February 2024. The Hexagon Innovation Hub is engaged in the research and development of novel and innovative technologies and develops solutions that will digitally transform companies and industries. Hexagon is a globally active company in the field of measurement technology and geoanalytics and is the parent company of Leica Geosystems.
The collaboration between the Hexagon Innovation Hub and the Leonhard Obermeyer Center includes topics such as Scan-to-X. The cooperation will start on February 22, 2024 with a joint kick-off workshop. In addition, Hexagon is also expanding the expertise in the LOC network in the interface between hardware and software in surveying technology. The LOC is looking forward to a fruitful collaboration with Hexagon.
More information about the Hexagon Group: https://hexagon.com/en/
LOC Career Day 2024

15. January 2024
On February 21, 2024, the first LOC Career Day will take place at the Vorhoelzer Forum. Companies and chairs can present themselves to interested students in the field of Digital Methods of the Built Environment and arrange final theses, student trainee/working student jobs and full-time positions. Participation is only possible after prior registration.
10 years of LOC and Merry Christmas
10. December 2023
The entire team at the Leonhard Obermeyer Center wishes you a Merry Christmas and a happy 2024 on the occasion of our 10th anniversary!

12. May 2023
On 10.05.2023 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Stilla passed away after a long illness. It is with great sadness that the chairs of the Leonhard Obermeyer Center take leave of one of their founding professors, and their thoughts are with the relatives. Prof. Stilla was Professor of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing from his appointment at the Technical University of Munich in 2004 until the end of March 2023. In 2014, he founded the Leonhard Obermeyer Center together with his colleagues and was an active member of the research center until the end.
The research interests of Prof. Stilla revolve around automatic data analysis in photogrammetry and remote sensing. Prof. Stilla studied at the University of Paderborn, where he qualified as a communication engineer in 1980. In 1987, he obtained a diploma in biomedical engineering at the University of Karlsruhe. After that, he remained in Karlsruhe for a few years as a research fellow. From 1989 to 2003, he lectured in biocybernetics as part of the medical informatics course at the University of Heidelberg and Heilbronn University. In 1990, he became a research fellow at the Research Institute for Optronics and Pattern Recognition (FGAN-FOM). He obtained his doctorate in 1993 at the University of Karlsruhe with a thesis on automatic image processing and pattern recognition. He has been Chair of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing at TUM since 2004. Since 2005, he has served as Dean of Studies for geodesy programs. From 2008 to 2013 he has been Vice Dean of the TUM Department of Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering.
We will always honor Professor Stilla's memory.

27. April 2023
The Sympsoium "Future of Construction" takes place on September 13th-15h 2023 at the Technicaly University of Munich. The Symposium ist about Human-Machine Teams for Design and Sustainable Construction.
More Information can be found online here: futureofconstruction.net

19. April 2023
On April 18, 2023, the prizes in the competition "Auf IT gebaut - Bauberufe mit Zukunft" were awarded at BAU 2023. The event organized by the RKW Kompetenzzentrum was launched back in 2002. The prize winners presented their award-winning work and themselves in the four competition areas of architecture, construction management, civil engineering, and crafts and technology.
You can find out more about the award winners and contents at this link.

20. March 2023
After the retirement of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Stilla, the LOC Professorship Board is pleased to officially welcome Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Holst as a new member of the Leonhard Obermeyer Center as of 01.04.2023. In 2015, Prof. Holst completed his PhD at the University of Bonn and started to lead a research group working on terrestrial laser scanning and geometric surface analysis. During this time, Prof. Holst has received several awards for his scientific achievements and teaching concepts. He is a member and advisor in several (inter-)national technical and scientific commissions dealing with engineering geodesy and geodetic monitoring. For example, Prof. Holst currently chairs the working group "Mobile and Autonomous Sensor Systems" of DVW e.V. - Society for Geodesy, Geoinformation and Land Management. In 2021, he was appointed full professor of engineering geodesy at TUM.
The Chair of Engineering Geodesy is affiliated with the TUM School of Engineering and Design and the Department of Aerospace and Geodesy. It has a long tradition in the field of geodetic metrology and engineering geodesy. Engineering Geodesy stands for applications of geodetic metrology in other engineering disciplines - especially civil engineering, architecture, mechanical engineering, but also archaeology and geology. In the fields of work there are connections to all other chairs and disciplines of geodesy. At the moment his research focuses on
- the development of advanced methods for geodetic monitoring of the built and undeveloped environment,
- the automation of static and mobile laser scanning,
- the quality analysis of geodetic sensors and
- general interdisciplinary applications in the context of the digitization of reality.
More about the Chair of Engineering Geodesy and Prof. Holst can be found at: https://www.asg.ed.tum.de/gds/

16. January 2023
After the successful start of the TUM M.Sc. ITBE in October 2022, the second application phase is now open. The application period ends on the 31st of May. International applicants are recommended to apply by the 15th of March.
Work as a BIM expert, a smart cities specialist, a systems analyst and designer, a software developer, a data acquisitionist, and many more, in planning and surveying offices, for municipalities, or in research and development in construction or software industries. Alternatively, create your own IT solution to solve built environment challenges.
More information about the content and application procedure of the new M.Sc. ITBE program: http://go.tum.de/676701

25. November 2022
Congratulation to Thomas H. Kolbe and his team of the Chair of Geoinformatics from Technical University of Munich for not only being present at the joint Smart Data Smart Cities and 3D GeoInfo conference at UNSW in Sydney with 7 accepted full papers in total, but for receiving the best paper award and the best young researcher paper award of the 3D GeoInfo conference.

04th of November 2022
This year the Leonhard Obermeyer Center is again exhibitor as well as cooperation partner with a joint session with the Round Table GIS e.V., as well as buildingSMART Germany about the topic BIM-GIS and the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) about "Digital Methods for Building Materials Recycling". Therefore, free tickets of the category "Ticket Exhibition" with access to the exhibition, breakout sessions and the BIM Town - Innovation Area are available under the following voucher code: BIM22-LOC
More information about registration, program and exhibitors can be found here: www.bim-world.de

14. October 2022
Today we welcomed the students of the first semester of our new Master program ITBE in a hybrid event at TUM School of Engineering and Design (ED). 33 students from 14 different countries and different disciplines (architecture, civil & environmental engineering, geodesy, computer science, etc.) will start next monday the interdisciplinary study program.
Upon completing the program, the students will have a holistic, interdisciplinary understanding of information technologies and methods in the built environment. They will have knowledge of the domain and technology requirements, challenges, processes, and structures at different construction scales in architecture, civil engineering, and geodesy coupled with a deep understanding of information technologies, computer science methods, data management, and systems architecture. For more information about the content of this MSc program: https://lnkd.in/eN8XXiQ9

07. June 2022
On June 1, 2022, the prizes in the competition "Auf IT gebaut – Bauberufe mit Zukunft" were awarded at digitalBAU in Cologne. The event of the RKW Competence Center was already launched in 2002. The award winners presented their prize-winning work and themselves in four competition areas of architecture, construction management, construction engineering, and crafts and technology.
For more about the award winners and content, visit: https://lnkd.in/gFzgwRuD

17th of October 2022
On Friday, November 11, 2022, the Leonhard Obermeyer Center will host its annual Center Day 2022 in Presence at the Oskar-von-Miller Forum from 11am-5pm. More information about the event including the preliminary program can be found here: http://go.tum.de/771007
Under the following link you can register bindingly for the Center Day: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/center-day-2022-tickets-293106608757

08. April 2022
The Leonhard Obermeyer Center is pleased to welcome LIST AG as a new associate member since April 2022. The List Group is represented with services along the entire value chain from development and financing to planning and realization to commissioning and accompanies projects through all service phases. The LIST Group also covers the topics of utilization and conversion with its numerous companies and is predominantly active in building construction in the areas of office, retail, industry/logistics, public buildings and residential/hotel at various locations, including Munich.
Together with its subsidiary intecplan, the Leonhard Obermeyer Center is already cooperating in the BBSR research project "Digital Twin Footprint". Furthermore, the LIST Group additionally expands the expertise in the LOC network in the interface to sustainability topics. The LOC looks forward to a fruitful collaboration with the entire LIST Group.
More information about the LIST Group: https://www.list-gruppe.de/

01. April 2022
Apply now to our the new TUM Master of Science Information Technologies for the Built Environment (ITBE) starting this October! The application period startson 1st of April and ends on 31st of May.
Work as a BIM expert, a smartcities specialist, a systemsanalyst and designer, a softwaredeveloper, a dataacquisitionist, and many more, in planning and surveying offices, for municipalities, or in research and development in construction or software industries. Alternatively, create your own IT solution to solve built environment challenges.
More information about the content and application procedure of the new MSc-program: http://go.tum.de/676701

08. March 2022
The Leonhard Obermeyer Center is pleased to welcome Urbanistic GmbH as a new startup member since March 2022. Urbanistic was founded in 2021 and emerged from a LOC research project. The company develops software tools (SaaS) for urban planning. A parametric, interactive 3D city model enables a quick project start without time-consuming sifting of as-built data. Architects and planners immediately recognize the risks and potentials of their planning variants. Decisions can be made using intuitive modeling tools and real-time simulations for all relevant parameters.
More information about Urbanistic: https://urbanistic.de/

18. Februar 2022
The internationally renowned civil engineer Prof. Ian F.C. Smith will become Founding Director of the TUM Georg Nemetschek Institute Artificial Intelligence for the Built World. He has decades of successful experience working with Artificial Intelligence (KI) in the built world.
Smith commented: "When AI is adapted for use in one of its most challenging contexts, the built world, an essential goal is trustworthiness." He will begin in his new position on March 1, 2022. Prof. Smith most recently headed the Applied Computing and Mechanics Laboratory at Switzerland's EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne). More information can be found here: https://www.tum.de/en/about-tum/news/press-releases/details/37195

17. November 2021
The trade fair for digital products and solutions in the construction industry will take place in Cologne from 31.05. to 02.06.2022 . As at the first edition, around 200 companies will take part in the industry summit.
In addition to the exhibition area, digitalBAU also offers an extensive supporting programme. This includes five forums, in which the TU Munich will also participate with the Leonhard Obermeyer Center. More than 70 lectures and discussion rounds will show developments and trends in digitalisation in the construction industry. The main topics of the supporting programme include BIM, Smart City/Smart Building, Robotics & AI as well as future-oriented planning, construction and operation.
The Innovation Challenge will celebrate a debut at digitalBAU 2022. The companies that receive the most votes for their digital solutions on the website will be allowed to present their product live on stage at the event in Cologne. Tickets are now available: www.digital-bau.com
13. Oktober 2021
John Gero has been a professor of design science, architecture, artificial intelligence, computer science, cognitive psychology, civil engineering and mechanical engineering at Sydney University, MIT, CMU, Columbia, UC-Berkeley, UCLA, EPFL and University of Provence, amongst others. He has published over 800 research articles and books. He is a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence and a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Advancement of the Arts.
This event takes place on 25.10.2021, 2:30 PM CEST online and is organized by The Design AI Group, an inter-institutional team dedicated to researching novel ways to use artificial intelligence methods in design. Members are: Technical University of Munich (TUM), MRTL lab at Technion, Carnegie Mellon University and Cornell Tech.
Registration here: lnkd.in/d8_i2i-S
15. September 2021
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is pleased to announce that OGC members have approved the CityGML v3.0 Conceptual Model for adoption as an official OGC standard. Under the lead collaboration of Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thomas H. Kolbe and several other LOC researchers, the new version with new features was published after 8 years of work.
More information about the new CityGML standard can be found here: https://docs.ogc.org/is/20-010/20-010.html

27. July 2021
The vbw study "Constructing Our Future. Plan. Build. Live. Working." shows how innovative technologies and the strengthening of systems thinking, supported by advanced digitization, can ensure that the construction and operation of buildings and infrastructures become more digital, sustainable and resilient. It was prepared by Prognos AG together with the Fraunhofer IAO and the Leonhard Obermeyer Center of the Technical University of Munich on behalf of the vbw for the focus topic 2021 of the Future Council of the Bavarian Economy.
At the Future Council's online congress "Constructing Our Future. Plan. Build. Live. Working." on July 27, 2021, the study with the same name was presented to the public. Shortly, the film contributions shown at the OnlineKongress with the central results of the study will be published on www.vbw-zukunftsrat.de.
You can find more about the study and download here.

27. July 2021
Alex Braun and André Borrmann are the winners of the 2021 Thorpe medal of the EC3 conference 2021.
The Thorpe Medal recognises a paper that contributes to either practical or research aspects of engineering informatics disciplines in the built environment. The practical value of contribution and its impact on engineering informatics practice are key evaluation criteria.

17. July 2021
As part of the Bavarian Zukunftsrat's online congress, the Leonhard Obermeyer Center will present various projects and collaborations - among those represented are: LOC general, EarlyBIM, Construction Progress Monitoring, Urbanistic, the TUM Venture Lab, and numerous other projects.
In 2021, the Future Council will focus on planning and building for the living and working of the future. The demands on buildings and infrastructures are changing in view of climate protection and climate change, and there are other important influencing factors, such as changes in the world of work due to digitalization and demographic developments. At the same time, technological innovations offer new opportunities. It is important to use them in a targeted manner and to overcome obstacles, for example in the regulatory area, in order to be able to build according to demand, cost-effectively and sustainably at the same time, and to open up new opportunities for the location.
Registration and participation here: https://vbw-zukunftsrat.de/

15. June 2021
This year the Leonhard Obermeyer Center is again exhibitor as well as cooperation partner with a joint session with the Round Table GIS e.V. and the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) about "Digital Methods for Sustainable Built Environment". Furthermore, free tickets of the category "Ticket Exhibition" with access to the exhibition, breakout sessions and the BIM Town - Innovation Area are available under the following voucher code: BIM21-LOC
More information about registration, program and exhibitors can be found here: www.bim-world.de

09. June 2021
On June 1, 2021, the prizes in the competition "Auf IT gebaut – Bauberufe mit Zukunft" were awarded for the 20th time in the livestream. The event of the RKW Competence Center under the patronage of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy was already launched in 2002. The award winners presented their prize-winning work and themselves in our four competition areas of architecture, construction management, construction engineering, and crafts and technology. The competition is co-sponsored and supported by social partnerships and companies from the construction industry. More info on the award winners: www.aufitgebaut.de

20. April 2021
Successful start of the newly founded TUM Georg Nemetschek Institute Artificial Intelligence for the Built World, a sister institute of Leonhard Obermeyer Center. TUM President Prof. Thomas Hofmann and Prof. Georg Nemetschek, as well as Prof. Ernst Rank and Prof. André Borrmann welcomed more than 400 international guests and introduced in the kick-off symposium. Afterwards Ian Smith, Martin Fischer, Burcu Akinci and Nora El-Gohary will give Keynote Speeches in the field of AI in AEC industry. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, more exiting Keynote speakers will follow: Rafael Sacks, Markus König, Alisa Andrasek, Jennifer Whyte , Reinhard Koenig, Mani Golparvar-Fard, Burcin Becerik-Gerber, Eleni Chatzi, Frédéric Bosché, Slobodan Ilic, Timo Hartmann, Philipp Geyer and Jerome P. Lynch! Thanks to Sarah Jenney for the great organisation.
For more information about the symposium: http://go.tum.de/416545

23. March 2021
The Leonhard Obermeyer Center is pleased to welcome Innovationsmanagement Bau GmbH (IMB) as a new premium member since beginning of 2021. IMB consists of the following eight traditional companies of the construction industry mainly from the south of Germany: Augel, Gebr. Donhauser, Geiger, Hönninger, Krämmel, Kassecker, Ferdinand Tausendpfund and SAX + KLEE. In total, these eight companies are active in all fields of activity in the construction and real estate industry.
The objective of Innovationsmanagement Bau GmbH is to provide joint innovation-related research and development services for the industrial construction industry, in particular for the construction industry. Together with the LOC, the research focus will be on digital methods of as-performed construction processes. In addition, the IMB extends the expertise in the LOC network from a construction industry perspective. The LOC is looking forward to a fruitful cooperation with the IMB.
More information about Innovationsmanagement Bau GmbH: https://www.innovations-management-bau.de/
02. March 2021
This workshop takes place on March 25th, 2021 and brings together leading global infrastructure and governance experts and aims at advancing the discussions
concerning the future of infrastructure and the possibility of establishing such digital collaboration platforms. The workshop will address five themes: Governance, Design, Protocols, Implementation, Use Cases.
The workshop will be structured into four main parts. The first part will provide background and a sense of urgency based on a keynote lecture as well as introductory interventions addressing the five workshop themes. During the second part, participants will break out into five sub-sessions working in detail on the five workshop themes. During the third part of the workshop, the session leaders will report back the results from the breakout groups to the plenary followed by a plenary discussion with questions from the audience. During the fourth and final part, a networking session will allow dynamic interaction of all participants to mingle and discuss remaining open issues and prepare for the next steps required to support the T20/G20 process. The discussion results will be documented and made available to the participants after the workshop.
More information about the program can be found here. Register for participation here: https://bit.ly/3e1sB5U

25. February 2021
The newly founded TUM Georg Nemetschek Institute Artificial Intelligence for the Built World (GNI) is closely associated to the Leonhard Obermeyer Center and the Munich Data Science Institute (MDSI). As a kick-off the GNI is hosting an international symposium with leading researchers in the field. The symposium will be held as a virtual event across three consecutive afternoons, 20th – 22nd April 2021. The Kickoff Symposium will give a broad overview of current research, in particular on the opportunities, visions, and expected impact of AI on the construction sector.
Registration will grant free access to all three afternoon sessions. Further information about the event can be found here: go.tum.de/416545
02. February 2021
Students of the Leonhard Obermeyer Center were winning again several prices at the competition "Auf IT gebaut 2021" organised by RKW Kompetenzzentrum and under patronage of Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie and several awarding partners on BAU München. Congratulations to Fiona Collins, Lars Hühnken, Isabell Deininger, Liu Cong and Pan Rong! The specific prices will be announced and handed over in person in summer. The project presentation can be found here (starting at 02:10:00): youtu.be/qAY7iYP0Utw
14. January 2021
The Leonhard Obermeyer Center co-organized and participated in the TUM-slot "Innovations for the Built Environment" at BAU-TV. The overview presents general strategies & facilities of the architecture & civil engineering faculties at TUM, research projects, spin-offs and other activities such as life-long learning programmes and conferences. Additionally, Prof. André Borrmann was interviewed on the potentials, current status and activities at TUM in the field of "AI in the Built Environment".

11. November 2020
The Leonhard Obermeyer Center and its professors are looking forward to work closely together in research and teaching with the new "TUM Georg Nemetschek Institute Artificial Intelligence for the Built World“ funded by the Nemetschek Innovationsstiftung for the next 10 years.
The founder of the foundation, Prof. Georg Nemetschek, based his professional success on his studies of civil engineering at the Technical University of Munich. After founding Nemetschek SE, he developed it into a leading vendor of construction software with a great deal of responsibility and entrepreneurial courage. Nemetschek SE have been a Premium Member since the Leonhard Obermeyer Center was founded in 2014 and has successfully realised several research projects through this cooperation.
More information: http://go.tum.de/017552

01. October 2020
Dr. Rohit K. Dubey has recently joined the LOC as postdoctoral research funded through a LOC scholarship. Rohit received his Ph.D. from the Department of Informatics at ETH Zurich in 2020 under the guidance of Asst Prof. Dr. Robert W. Sumner (Disney Research, Zurich), Prof. Christoph Hoelscher (D-GESS, ETH Zurich), and Asst. Prof. Dr. Mubbasir Kapadia (Computer Science, Rutgers University). His Ph.D. research focused on the cognitive modeling of information sources for human wayfinding under uncertainty. Rohit is currently developing a cognitively grounded computational framework of microscopic pedestrian crowd simulation that models the uncertainty and fusion of potentially multiple conflicting information sources for wayfinding decision-making during general circulation and egress. His research interests are computational cognition, pedestrian simulation, multivariate information fusion for human decision-making, human-building interaction, computer-aided architectural design, and optimization.
23 July 2020
The report on "Built Environment Digital Twinning" originated from the international workshop end of December 2019 at the TUM Institute for Advanced Study with the help of the academic network of the Leonhard Obermeyer Center and Siemens AG. Special thanks to Prof. André Borrmann, Ionnis Brilakis and Yuandong Pan as well as all other authors and contributors of the workshop for this comprehensive overview on this topic.
You can find the complete report here: http://go.tum.de/513144
03. April 2020
A vision we stand for includes the systemic integration of economic and social success, the protection of the climate and the environment and the associated social responsibility, and the development of the talents of the future. Please see this film (german with no subtitles):

19. Februar 2020
At bautec, the International Trade Fair for Building and Building Technology in Berlin, the prizes in the 2020 competition "Auf IT gebaut – Bauberufe mit Zukunft" were awarded for the 19th time. This event, organized by the RKW Competence Center under the patronage of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy, was launched back in 2002. The competition is supported and promoted by social partnerships and companies from the construction industry.

The 18th buildingSMART Anwendertag is held in Dresden on 4 May 2021 with almost 40 individual presentations and practical insights into all areas of digital planning, construction and operation. Ca. 500 participants from all over Germany are expected this spring, making the buildingSMART Anwendertag one of the largest and most relevant specialist congresses on building information modeling and working with open and vendor-neutral standards. One focus of the 18th buildingSMART Anwendertag at the International Congress Center Dresden will be "Lean Management and BIM". Prof. Dr.-Ing. Shervin Haghsheno from the KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology will give the keynote speech. Michael Kretschmer, Prime Minister of the Free State of Saxony, is also requested.
On the evening of the 18th buildingSMART Anwendertag in Dresden, buildingSMART Germany is also celebrating its 25th anniversary. Together with members, friends and supporters of buildingSMART Germany, the anniversary will be celebrated on 3 May 2021 on board the Saxon Steamship Company and with a tour of one of the most beautiful river landscapes in Europe.
Further information on the programme and schedule of the 18th buildingSMART Users' Day can be found at www.buildingsmart.de
29. Januar 2020
Das nationale Zentrum für die Digitalisierung des Bauwesens „BIM Deutschland“ zielt auf ein einheitliches und abgestimmtes Vorgehen im Infrastruktur- und Hochbau ab. Staatssekretärin Dr. Tamara Zieschang (Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur) und Staatssekretärin Anne Katrin Bohle (Bundesministerium des Innern, für Bau und Heimat) haben heute die Geschäftsstelle des Zentrums eröffnet. Beide Bundesministerien betreiben das Zentrum gemeinsam. Mit der digitalen Planungsmethode BIM – Building Information Modeling – soll zukünftig über den gesamten Lebenszyklus eines Gebäudes eine solide Datengrundlage zur Verfügung stehen. Bereits bei der Errichtung des Bauwerks führt dies zu mehr Kosten-, Qualitäts- und Termintreue. Prof. Borrmann, Sprecher des Leonhard Obermeyer Centers, ist auch als Partner des Konsotriums in dem neuen Zentrum vertreten.
We are kindly inviting you to take part in the International Workshop on Built Environment Digital Twinning, which is organized and co-sponsored by the Technical University of Munich’s Institute for Advanced Study (TUM-IAS) and #Siemens. We would be very happy to welcome you at the event. Spaces are limited, so register soon if you plan to attend.
The speakers of this workshop include André Borrmann, Rafael Sacks, Ghang Lee, Uwe Stilla, Ioannis Brilakis, Jakob Beetz, Daniel Cremers, Lucio Soibelman, Mark Enzer, Peter Loeffler, Wolfgang Hass, Ilka May, Berit Wessler, Janosch Kisch, Nabil Abou-Rahme, and Stefan Kaufmann.
Please register online: lnkd.in/dRDP4p7
You can find the agenda here: lnkd.in/drEKhM6

Am 01.10.2019 fand die Zentralveranstaltung der BIM Weeks am 1. Oktober 20019 im Bayerischen Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung und Energie. André Borrmann und weitere hochkarätige Referenten berichteten über den aktuellen Digitalisierungsstand der Baubranche und blicken auf die kommenden Chancen und Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung. Die BIMweeks Bayern werden vom Zentrum Digitalisierung.Bayern sowie buildingSMART Deutschland (RG Bayern) in Kooperation mit Unternehmen und weiteren Institutionen wie dem Leonhard Obermeyer Center organisiert.
On 23 October 2019 the 23rd buildingSMART-Forum will take place in Berlin. Under the title "Shaping Digital Change", buildingSMART Deutschland invites high-ranking representatives and outstanding experts from business, politics, research and development to exchange ideas and discuss relevant topics. Once again, the buildingSMART Forum looks at upcoming trends and developments in digital planning, construction and operation. The 23rd buildingSMART Forum will take place on Wednesday, 23 October 2019 at the Ellington Hotel in Berlin.
Registration is now possible via the buildingSMART website, where you can also find further information on the program. www.buildingsmart.de/kos/WNetz
Also this year the LOC will be represented as an ideal cooperation partner.
Starting in mid-September, experienced practitioners and experts for BIM and digitisation in the construction industry in Bavaria will be inviting to a comprehensive exchange of experience. Various event formats ranging from business breakfasts and lectures to bus trips to construction projects will offer you concrete insights into digitisation in all its facets. The new event format is organized by the Regional Group Bavaria of buildingSMART Germany and the Center for Digitization.Bayern. The Leonhard Obermeyer Center is a cooperation partner of BIM Weeks Bayern.
The BIM Weeks will take place from 16 September 2019 to 11 October 2019. Register now. The places are limited! Further information and registration can be found at: www.bimweeks.de
26. August 2019
The built environment is receiving increasing attention for the innovative development of economies. Especially the fast urbanization in China has offered engineers, planners and designers unforeseen opportunities to build new infrastructures and areas. For the future, the challenges are turning towards issues of digitization, sustainability and smartness of cities. They further transform higher education in architecture and building engineering. The talks from practitioners, researchers and students of the Department of Architecture provide an European perspective on building in China, and how the digitization of the construction industry is influencing practice and higher education.The talks are part of a summer workshop for visiting students from Xi'an, hosted Prof. Dr. Frank Petzold, Chair of Architectural Informatics, with support of Bayerischer Bauindustrieverband, OBERMEYER, Schnitzer& and TUM Leonhard Obermeyer Center.

22. July 2019
Iro Armeni gave a lecture on "Automatically generating structured information on the as-is status of facilities from visual data" at the Vorhoelzer Forum. She presented her recent work from Stanford University on automated extraction and knowledge-based representation of this information from visual data using Machine Vision and AI, as well as how it improves existing processes and enables novel workflows.
06. March 2019
Automated extraction of objects from remotely sensed data is an important topic of research in Computer Vision, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, and Geoinformation Science. In order to discuss recent developments and future trends in research in automatic object extraction and their influence on sensors and processing techniques, the two ISPRS conferences "Photogrammetric Image Analysis" (PIA) and the "Munich Remote Sensing Symposium" (MRSS) will be held as a common event for the first time. The aim of the common event is to seek, exploit and deepen the synergies between geometry and semantics, and to give the two scientific communities the possibility to discuss with and to learn from each other.

From 25th to 28th of March 2019, the international BIM community will meet at the buildingSMART International Standards Summit in Düsseldorf, Hilton Hotel. The focus of this internationally high-ranking conference on the digitization of the construction industry will be the further development of open and manufacturer-neutral standards and interfaces. The 17th buildingSMART User Day, which will once again offer a good 35 lectures on current and practice-relevant topics relating to BIM and digitization in the construction and real estate industries, will take place at the same venue immediately following the conference on 29th of March 2019. Around 500 participants are expected to attend each of the two major events. The LOC will once again be represented there as an ideal cooperation partner. Registrations are now possible via the buildingSMART website, where you will also find further information about the program soon.

16. Januar 2019
The objective of this talk was to discuss challenges and ongoing research in three areas of study in VIMS: capturing experiential knowledge in building information modeling (BIM)-based design coordination; 4-dimensional modeling for site-specific safety planning; and automating the BIM upkeep process in the facility operations phase leveraging deep learning and computer vision.

15. Januar 2019
At the world's leading trade fair BAU in Munich, MinDirig Dr. Gäckle, Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi), today presented the prizes in the competition „Auf IT gebaut – Bauberufe mit Zukunft". The awards went to outstanding digital solutions for the construction industry. With their work on the digitisation of construction, the young professionals proved that the construction industry is innovative, modern and technology-oriented. VDI RG Bau

12. Dezember 2018
Prof. Dr. Frédéric Bosché was giving a LOC Talk about "Scan-vs-BIM for Construction Control" at Oskar-von-Miller Forum. This talk presented the Scan-vs-BIM concept, illustrated its process and benefits. The talk then expanded on the subject of using the output of Scan-vs-BIM processing to enhance dimensional quality control with a view to evolve dimensional quality control from a traditionally point-based measurement process to a surface-based measurement process.

29. November 2018
Thank you for visiting us at the BIM World MUNICH! We had two great days with interesting talks and discussions at our common booth with OBERMEYER and virtualcitySYSTEMS. Thanks to all speakers and participants of our Session with Runder Tisch GIS e.V. about "Geo 4 BIM" especially André Borrmann, Thomas Wunderlich, Daniel Holweg, Özgür Ertac, Stefan Trometer and Sabine Schönhut!

09. November 2018
Our annual Center Day event took place on 9th of November 2018 in the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) in Garching from 11:00 - 18:00. 150 guests took part in a diverse and horizon-widening program with 14 speakers and international guests, including Dr. Ionnis Brilakis from Cambridge University.
More impressions.

25. Oktober 2018
Great evening and discussions about digital transformation in construction and real estate industries yesterday at Technische Universität München organised by Digital Builders Munich with Leonhard Obermeyer Center. Thanks to the great audience and all speakers Karim Fabian Begana, Christos Chantzaras, Adrian August Wildenauer, Sebastian Schuon and Michael Grosam! Let's stay connected to move forward together.
More information here: lnkd.in/eN36pwZ

24. Oktober 2018
On 24 October, the Bavarian Construction Industry Association invited to a lecture by Professor Dr.-Ing. Zhiliang Ma on how BIM is seen and used in China by German engineers and architects. The previous laudation was given by LOC-Prof. Frank Petzold.
As a result of the long-term cooperation of the Leonhard Obermeyer Center with Prof. Ma, we are happy to announce the Department of Civil Engineering of Tsinghua University as the International Partner Institute of the LOC.

23. Oktober 2018
Our education program "BIM Professional" by TUM School of Management Executive Education and Leonhard Obermeyer Center was officially certified by buildingSMART Deutschland for the "Zertifikat BIM-Qualifikationen – Basismodul" on Tuesday at 22nd buildingSMART-Forum in Berlin. Thanks to all lecturers and organisers making this programm possible.
More information about the course: www.eec.wi.tum.de/de/certificate/building-information-modeling-bim-professional/
24. September 2018
Building Information Modeling (BIM) refers to the consistent and continuous use of digital information throughout the entire lifecycle of a built facility, including its design, construction and operation. In order to exploit BIM methods to their full potential, a fundamental grasp of their key principles and applications is essential. Accordingly, this book combines discussions of theoretical foundations with reports from the industry on currently applied best practices.
The book’s content is divided into six parts: Part I discusses the technological basics of BIM and addresses computational methods for the geometric and semantic modeling of buildings, as well as methods for process modeling. Next, Part II covers the important aspect of the interoperability of BIM software products and describes in detail the standardized data format Industry Foundation Classes. It presents the different classification systems, discusses the data format CityGML for describing 3D city models and COBie for handing over data to clients, and also provides an overview of BIM programming tools and interfaces. Part III is dedicated to the philosophy, organization and technical implementation of BIM-based collaboration, and discusses the impact on legal issues including construction contracts. In turn, Part IV covers a wide range of BIM use cases in the different lifecycle phases of a built facility, including the use of BIM for design coordination, structural analysis, energy analysis, code compliance checking, quantity take-off, prefabrication, progress monitoring and operation. In Part V, a number of design and construction companies report on the current state of BIM adoption in connection with actual BIM projects, and discuss the approach pursued for the shift toward BIM, including the hurdles taken. Lastly, Part VI summarizes the book’s content and provides an outlook on future developments. Powerful and sophisticated software products are now available that provide the technological basis for realizing BIM-based construction projects.
The book was written both for professionals using or programming such tools, and for students in Architecture and Construction Engineering programs.

The 22nd buildingSMART Forum will take place on Wednesday, October 24, 2018, at the Ellington Hotel in Berlin. Under the title "Shaping digital change", buildingSMART Germany, the digitization association of the construction and real estate industry, invites representatives and experts from politics, business and research and development to discussions. Once again, the buildingSMART Forum looks at new trends and developments for Building Information Modeling, the dominant method and technology for digital planning, building and operation. The LOC will once again be represented there as an ideal cooperation partner. Registrations are now possible via the buildingSMART website, where you will also find further information about the program.

16. August 2018
The BIM World Munich is the most visited networking platform in D-A-CH region for the national and international key-players in the innovative construction and real estate industry. More than 120 exhibitors introduce their innovative BIM-solutions, IT-applications and IoT-technologies. The trade fair with a 2-days conference and breakout sessions takes place annually and features such topics as digital facility management, BIM for architects and engineers, BIM in sustainable architecture, BIM and law.
The BIM TOWN, as a new innovation area for IT and IoT startups, is a highlight of the event this year. The BIM World Munich is to enter its third round on November 27 and 28, 2018. From the very beginning, the Leonhard Obermeyer Center at TU Munich has been an ‘innovation partner’ of BIM World. Together with its cooperation partner ‘Runder Tisch GIS e.V’, the Leonhard Obermeyer Center is going to explain the interaction between GIS and construction industry and show what role the GIS data plays for a successful BIM-method implementation. The LOC-members get free tickets for the exhibition and breakout sessions. The e-code is BIM-LOC and can be entered here: www.bim-world.de/registration

13. August 2018
As part of the BayernDigital II master plan, a new ZD.B double platform "Digital Building" and "Smart Cities and Regions" was approved in spring 2018 on the initiative of the LOC. The Bayerische Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Energie und Technologie, in close cooperation with the ZD.B, has carried out preliminary work for the "Digital Building" platform. Speakers of the platform are Prof. Dr.-Ing. André Borrmann of the LOC and Johann Bögl of the Max Bögl Group.
The main objectives of the new thematic platforms are joint project work in research networks, information exchange and knowledge transfer as well as intensive networking between universities and industry. A first call for proposals for joint research projects is expected at the end of the year.
28. Juni 2018
The Leonhard Obermeyer Center hosted on Thursday, 28th of June 2018, an "InfraBIM Modeling Workshop" about BIM in infrastructural projects. Planning and construction companies, as Obermeyer Planen und Beraten, SSF Ingenieure, Schüssler Plan, Max Bögl and IB Grassl, reported about their experiences in current projects. In the second part, software companies, as ALLPLAN, Autodesk, Sofistik, Siemens, ProVI and CARD/1, showed their state of the art and future developments. After an open discussion and exchange about current problems and solutions, the necessity of open standards for a fair competition was exposed. In the end, allstakeholders were able to continue their discussions in a joint get together.

25.-26. April 2018
At this year's Entrepreneurs' Day of the Bavarian Construction Industry Association, the main topic was "digitization". The event was bridging innovative research projects of the TUM, the economy and the Bavarian construction industry.
The Leonard Obermeyer Center TUM presented how the future can look like using digital planning tools, like Building Information Modeling, exemplary applied at a building at the TUM Campus in Garching. In combination with VR glasses, visitors could also experience the future planning world "virtually".

28. Oktober 2017
The Chair of Geoinformatics had a good run at the 12th International Conference 3D GeoInfo 2017 held at the University of Melbourne: The paper on „Estimating Building Age with 3D GIS“ jointly written by Filip Biljecki (TU Delft / National University of Singapore) and Maximilian Sindram (Chair of Geoinformatics, TUM) was awarded as the Best Conference Paper. The Runners-Up to the Best Paper (2nd Place) was awarded to the paper written by Christof Beil and Prof. Kolbe (both Chair of Geoinformatics, TUM) on „CityGML and the Streets of New York - A Proposal for Detailed Street Space Modelling“.
Researcher Kanishk Chaturvedi presented the paper on ”Solar Potential Analysis and Integration of the Time-dependent Simulation Results for Semantic 3D City Models using Dynamizers“, researcher Son H. Nguyen the paper on ”Spatio-Semantic Comparison of Large 3D City Models in CityGML using a Graph Database“, and Prof. Kolbe the joint paper with Christof Beil mentioned above. All three papers were accepted based on the previous successful full paper review and chosen for oral presentation. Post-Doc Ihab Hijazi gave a presentation on „BIM-GIS Integration as Dedicated and Independent Course for Geoinformatics Students: Merits, Challenges, and Ways Forward“. All papers can be downloaded from the ISPRS publication website (ISPRS Annals & Archives) here:
More than 125 scientists and researchers participated in the 3D GeoInfo Conference held under the auspices of the ISPRS. The conference was preceded by the full day FIG workshop on ”BIM and GIS Integration“. Both were held under the joint title “3D Australia 2017“ and were organized by Dr. Mohsen Kalantari and Prof. Abbas Rajabifard from the University of Melbourne.

The Chair of Geoinformatics (TUM) presents an improved digital 3D city model of New York City. The generated CityGML compliant LoD2 datasets can be downloaded freely from our project website. While including new building models in LoD2, this city model especially provides detailed representations of the NYC street space. A total of over 500,000 street space objects are represented by integrating 11 thematic object classes such as ‘Roadbeds’, ‘Sidewalks’ or ‘Parking Lots’, all enriched with a variety of semantic information. The 3D model was entirely generated from NYC Open Data integrating more than 30 datasets into one consistent 3D city model. Additionally an ‘Open Source 3D Web Viewer’ is provided, allowing immediate interactive exploration and querying of the 3D model. The video linked below demonstrates the complexity of the city model generated and also includes a ‘3D Web Map Client’ demo.
Link to Youtube Demo Video: Click here
Online LoD2 Web Viewer: Click here
Project Website and Dataset Downloads: Click here
Project TUM-Wiki Page: Click here

After its successful launch in Paris in 2015, the BIM World will be coming to Munich this year. The Leonhard Obermeyer Center at Technische Universität München is the “innovation partner” of the two-day congress fair. In cooperation with our partner “Runder Tisch GIS e.V.”, we will present current research projects focusing on digital methods in the scope of AEC and GIS. For LOC-members, there is a 10%-discount on the regular ticket price. The two day conference – with its large exhibition area – will serve to “...demonstrate the benefits and the implementation of digital processes, present essential software, technologies and best practices in BIM and outline the upcoming challenges for working with BIM. (Organizer)

In the course of a festive event on July 15, 2016, LOC researcher Nevena Perović was awarded the Top Teaching Trophy 2016. Every year, the Munich School of Engineering (MSE) hands out the prize for outstanding achievements in the education sector. At the Chair for Computation in Engineering, Nevena Perović holds lectures on partial differential equations. We would like to congratulate her, and we are very happy about the award – which we also see as an acknowledgement of the excellent teaching at the Leonhard Obermeyer Center.

In the course of the XXIII Congress of the ISPRS (International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing) in Prague, Prof. Stilla was awarded the Willem Schermerhorn Award. The award for international activities in the field of photogrammetry, remote sensing, and spatial information science is handed out every four years, since 1988, in the course of the congress. Prof. Uwe Stilla, who is one of the LOC’s founders, is the first award winner from Germany. The ISPRS Congress in Prague is the largest event in the field of photogrammetry, remote sensing, and geoinformation – with 2300 participants from 88 countries and more than 1800 contributions.

The Leonhard Obermeyer Center is an official cooperation partner of the 20th buildingSMART Forum in Berlin. Under the title “Digital Excellence Now!”, international speakers will talk about the current status of model-based planning, construction, and operation – and they will give an outlook on the expected digitization trend in this sector. This will involve both classical planning as well as construction work in the fields of building construction and infrastructure planning, as well as new design processes and the aspect of connecting digital building models with the Internet of Things.

As a consequence of the positive experiences the Allplan GmbH made in the course of the research cooperation with the LOC, the parent company NEMETSCHEK SE is now expanding its commitment with a premium membership. “For the Leonhard Obermeyer Center at Technische Universität München, NEMETSCHEK SE will be a very strong partner, with whom we are planning to further develop our common vision of the future of digital methods in the building industry.” (Prof. André Borrmann, LOC spokesman) The Munich-based company is one of the world’s leading software producers in the fields of AEC and media & entertainment. With its brands Allplan, Bluebeam, Crem, DataDesign System, Frilo, Graphisoft, Maxon, Nevaris, Precast, Scia, SDS/2 Design Data, Solibri, and Vectorworks, the parent company NEMETSCHEK SE is well represented on the international market, with many years of experience regarding the development and distribution of software solutions. NEMETSCHEK SE is one of the pioneers in the field of BIM: As early as in the 1980s, Prof. Nemetschek developed the concept of a database-dependent platform, which can be used by all parties involved in the construction process in order to optimize it. Today, NEMETSCHEK SE is one of the leading providers of BIM solutions – such as Allplan, ArchiCAD, DesignData, Solibri, and Vectorworks. Open BIM, a software-independent planning approach, is part of NEMETSCHEK’s corporate strategy.