Architecture B. A.
Discover the world of architecture: Designing the classic single-family house or planning an entire city district – our physical living space offers a wide range of activities for architects. In the 8-semester Bachelor's degree program, you lay the foundation. The range of subjects is diverse: you take modules on energy-efficient building, landscape architecture, urban planning, restoration, timber construction and much more. The focus of the programme is on architectural design, and the teaching deals with current research issues such as the sustainability of the building sector. For at least one semester, you will study at one of our international partner universities – a change of perspective that integrates the development of soft skills into the degree program in addition to professional competencies. You can also expect an excellent infrastructure: approx. 1,200 student workplaces, the DesignFactory with workshops and equipment rental, as well as the opportunity to get involved in student projects and the student council.
What you´ll learn for your future?
Graduates of our Bachelor's program understand the interdisciplinary nature of architecture and the diverse, complex work of architects. Based on the scientific foundations of the various disciplines, they are able to develop architectural and urban spaces independently. Through the project-oriented studies, they are also familiar with design and able to formulate hypotheses in the form of design concepts. Graduates are able to independently design load-bearing structures and can efficiently use digital representation and presentation options in the computer-aided design and planning process. Furthermore, they are able to evaluate buildings in terms of energy efficiency and to take the criteria into account in their planning. In their design work, they are able to deal responsibly with historically built environments and to develop them further in line with contemporary requirements.
In accordance with their personal interests, they have acquired in-depth specialist knowledge in the methods and theories, in contextual knowledge and technologies of architecture, urban planning and landscape architecture. They have a well-founded understanding of their intended profession that takes into account ethical and social obligations beyond the national framework and the economic and ecological impact of their actions.
The Bachelor's degree programme offers all the prerequisites for the following Master's degree programmes, which enable interdisciplinary specialisation for related subject areas:
- Architecture, M.A. (consecutive)
- Resource Efficient and Sustainable Building, M.Sc.
- Urban Studies, M.Sc.
More information on the B.A. Architecture can be found on our TUM Architecture Wiki or in the TUM Architecture FAQ.
Studying architecture at TUM
You are interested in studying Architecture at TUM? In this video you can find out everything about what everyday life at TUM is actually like, what challenges the Bachelor's degree in Architecture brings with it, and what opportunities graduates have to look forward to.
Type of Study: Full Time
Standard Duration of Studies: 8 Semester
Credits: 240 ECTS
Main Locations: Munich
Admission Category: Aptitude Assessment for Bachelor
Start of Degree Program: Winter Semester (October)
Application Period: Winter semester: 15.05. – 15.07.
Required Language Proficiency: German
Tuition Fees: for Students from Non-EU Countries
The Bachelor's degree program in Architecture at TUM is fundamentally practice- and exercise-oriented, but also deals with the current issues of research. You will study an 8-semester Bachelor's programme with us and complete 240 credits by the end of the programme - together with the compulsory semester abroad, a unique selling point that sets our degree program apart from all others throughout Germany. We offer you a professionally qualifying Bachelor's degree in architecture.
After two years of professional experience in all work phases, you can obtain the protected professional title of "architect" in accordance with the Architects' Act of the Free State of Bavaria and thus the major building submission authorisation for all buildings. In combination with the aforementioned two years of professional experience, they meet the requirements of the German Chambers of Architects as well as the requirements of the European Directive on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications and thus also possess the essential basic prerequisite for facilitated entry into the foreign register of architects.
The Bachelor's degree program is a full-time course of study, which is structured as follows:
Semesters 1 - 4 serve to create a common foundation in the training of perceptual and design skills, in the methodology of architectural design and in the teaching of the fundamentals of the scientific-technical as well as the humanities and social sciences disciplines. They are therefore predominantly characterised by compulsory subjects.
Semesters 5 and/or 6 are followed by studies at a foreign partner university.
Semesters 7 and 8 serve to deepen and expand the fundamentals taught so far.
In semester 7, there is a choice of several chairs with different thematic focuses for the project work. The other subjects are defined as elective modules to enable students to form their own personal focus.
In semester 8, the Bachelor's thesis with the final colloquium must be completed.
The language of instruction in the Bachelor's degree programme in Architecture is generally German - please note that you must therefore already have appropriate proof of German when applying. Individual elective modules are also offered in English.
Core subjects, especially in semesters 1 to 4, include design, structural engineering, history and theory, presentation and design as well as digital form finding. Design plays a central role here. This is expressed above all by the scope of 6 semester hours per week (SWS) of project work with integrated short design. This project block is directly supported in each case by thematically assigned lectures and exercises.
At least 110 credits must be earned in the area of elective modules. The stay abroad with a subject-related reference to the contents of the BA degree programme of usually 30 credits is included here. At least 12 credits must be earned in the elective module catalogues "Project Urban Design" and "Project Structural Engineering" and at least 6 credits in the elective module catalogue "Methods of Architecture". At least two of the elective module catalogues "Technologies of Architecture", "Architecture, Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture" and "Theory and Contextual Knowledge in Architecture" must be taken with at least 6 credits each. Last but not least, a maximum of 10 interdisciplinary credits can be taken in the elective module catalogue "Interdisciplinary Courses".
The structure of the Bachelor's degree programme and the currently valid module catalogue can be found here: Module plan, FPSO 2022
A semester abroad is compulsory in the Bachelor's degree programme in Architecture. Should you wish to follow up with another semester, this is also possible if necessary.
The study at one of our partner universities is usually scheduled for semester 5 and/or 6. The study organisation Architecture and Design advises and supports you in the selection of your partner university. As part of a selection process based on academic performance, personal suitability and motivation, each student is placed at one of a total of over 90 international partner universities. Through Erasmus+ and TUMexchange, you have the opportunity to receive financial support and pay no tuition fees at the partner university.
In order not to overburden the students abroad, a minimum of 20 credits per semester is planned. The partnerships are based on contracts with the respective partner university, which determine the number of students accepted and the length of stay. In addition, the curricula of the partner universities are closely coordinated with the curriculum of the Bachelor of Architecture at TUM.
Please apply through the TUMonline application portal and upload your application documents.
The programme always starts in the winter semester. In the summer semester, only lateral entry into a higher semester is possible. You will then start in at least the second semester and must have a corresponding number of credits from the first semester.
Requirements for the Bachelor's programme in Architecture at TUM:
- university entrance qualification
- passing the aptitude assessment procedure
In order to be admitted to the B.A. Architecture, you must pass an aptitude test. In the first stage of the procedure, your Abitur grade (55%), the weighted individual grades of the subjects German, English, Art and Maths (25%) and a portfolio designed by you (20%) count. The grades are converted on a scale of 0-100 and the portfolio is also given a score of 0-100. If you score more than 75 points, you will be admitted; if you score less than 60 points, you will be rejected. The remaining applicants are invited to a selection interview (stage 2 of the procedure). Here, the university entrance qualification counts with 50% and the evaluation of the interview with 50%. Applicants with 70 points or more will be admitted.
We will be happy to answer all further questions in our Wiki - here you will also find a list of the required application documents.